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Chinese Sticks

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Chinese Sticks (or Chinese Wands or Mora Wands or Hindu Wands) is an effect where a cord running through two wands.

Effect: The performer shows two sticks together in one hand, each containing tassels attached to the end of a string. When the magician pulls down on one tassel the other one goes up, and vice-versa. To prove that the sticks are not connected, the performer separates them at one end. Yet, he is still able to pull one tassel down, while making the other tassel travel up. To further prove that the sticks are not connected, the magician completely separates them, and even while disconnected, the tassels keep going up and down through the sticks.

Based on "Pillars of Solomon" in which the sticks could not be fully separated.[1][2]

It was a pet effect of Silent Mora, Fred Keating, Roy Benson, and Fred Kaps.


  1. Magic Illustrated Dictionary by Geoffrey Lamb (1979)
  2. Modern Magic by Professor Hoffmann (1876)