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International Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts

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International Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts.jpg

The International Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts is one of the worlds largest collection of the history of the art of magic

It was founded and owned by David Copperfield in 1991 after he purchased the Mulholland Library of the Conjuring and the Allied Arts. The collection expanded with his acquisition of the Cole Collection totaling 5,000 cubic feet of magic-related documents and artifacts.

The collection contains over 80,000 pieces, including 15,000 magic books, thousands of graphic images, prints, poster, playbills, photographs, manuscripts, letters, and scrapbooks of leading magicians throughout the years.

Access to the collection is available to scholars interested in the history of conjuring upon written application to the Archivist.

Among the treasures of the Museum are:
