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Academy of Magical Arts

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A non-profit social order devoted to the advancement of magic. Its clubhouse is the famed Magic Castle, one of the most unique private clubs in the world.

The AMA was started in April 1952 by William W. Larsen, Sr. (see Genii 1952 April), whom subscribers to his magazine Genii became instant members. But the organization faded away when Bill Larsen Sr. passed away at the age of 48 in 1955. In 1961, when Bill Larsen Sr.'s younger son, Milt Larsen, started creating the Magic Castle there was no club. He convinced his brother Bill Larsen Jr. that it would be a good time to resurrect the Academy of Magical Arts. The first members were again Genii subscribers.

There are several types of membership:


There is an annual Academy of Magical Arts Award Show and Banquet. The highest award given is the Masters Fellowship.


The following are the list published in the AMA program each year.

Masters Fellowship

(Date presented)

Lifetime Achievement Fellowship

Magician of the Year

Performing Fellowship

Creative Fellowship

Literary Fellowship

Special Fellowship

  • 1968 Carl Owen
  • 1970 Goodliffe; Charlie Miller; Ed Sullivan
  • 1971 Tenkai
  • 1972 Faucett Ross
  • 1973 Marion Chavez; Carl Ballantine; Dunninger
  • 1974 Johnny Giordomaine
  • 1975 Henk Vermeyden; Ken Brooke
  • 1976 Shirley Carroll; Johnny Carson; Danny Dew
  • 1977 Loring Campbell
  • 1978 Lloyd E. Jones
  • 1979 Len Vintus; Burling Hull
  • 1980 Geraldine Larsen Jaffe; Jane Thurston Shepard
  • 1981 Moi-yo Miller
  • 1982 Leon & Teddy Leon
  • 1983 Robert Albo; Irving Desfor
  • 1984 Marie Marshall; Orson Welles; Shigeo Tagaki
  • 1986 Harry Stanley; Stan Kramien; James Randi
  • 1987 Bob Barker; Jimmy Ravel
  • 1988 Tom Bradley; Homer Hudson
  • 1989 John Fisher
  • 1990 Charles Schulz
  • 1991 Marshall Brodien
  • 1992 Irene Larsen
  • 1993 John Salisse
  • 1994 Ton Onasaka
  • 1995 Lynette Chappell; Litzka Raymond Gibson; Maurice Pierre; John Salisse
  • 1996 Joe Stevens
  • 1997 Roy Walton; Senor Wences
  • 1998 Jules Lenier
  • 1999 Martin Breese
  • 2000 David Berglas; Diana Zimmerman
  • 2001 John "Kaz" Kasnetsis
  • 2002 Louis Saint Pierrie, Jr.; Rick Heath
  • 2003 Manfred Thumm
  • 2004 Mark Nelson
  • 2005 Rich Bloch; Lew Horowitz; Dale Hindman


  • 2003 Dana Daniels
  • 2004 Michael Finney
  • 2005 Ed Alonzo


  • 2004 Doc Eason
  • 2005 Whit Haydn


  • 1968 John Daniel
  • 1969 Carazini; Eric Lewis; Norm Nielsen
  • 1970 Don Lawton
  • 1971 Glenn Falkenstein
  • 1972 Shimada
  • 1973 Shimada
  • 1974 Eric Lewis
  • 1975 Shimada
  • 1976 Johnny Thompson
  • 1977 Peter Pit
  • 1978 Goldfinger & Dove
  • 1979 Whit Haydn
  • 1980 Harry & Leslie Anderson
  • 1981 Tomsoni & Company
  • 1982 Goldfinger & Dove
  • 1983 Lance Burton
  • 1984 Jonathan Neal Brown
  • 1985 The Pendragons
  • 1986 The Pendragons
  • 1987 Jonathan Neal Brown & Liane
  • 1988 James Dimmare & Lisa
  • 1989 Amos Levkovitch
  • 1990 Amos Levkovitch
  • 1991 Christopher Hart
  • 1992 Glenn Falkenstein & Frances Willard
  • 1993 Christopher Hart
  • 1994 Tina Lenert
  • 1995 Glenn Falkenstein & Frances Willard
  • 1996 Jason Byrne
  • 1997 Jason Byrne
  • 1998 John Carney
  • 1999 Ed Alonzo
  • 2000 Ed Alonzo
  • 2001 John Carney
  • 2002 James Dimmare
  • 2003 Kevin James
  • 2004 Danny Cole
  • 2005 Danny Cole


  • 1968 Albert Goshman
  • 1969 John Platt
  • 1970 Mike Skinner
  • 1971 Ron Wilson
  • 1972 Bruce Cervon
  • 1973 Mike Skinner
  • 1974 Albert Goshman
  • 1975 Bruce Cervon
  • 1976 Jules Lenia
  • 1977 David Roth
  • 1978 Earl Nelson
  • 1979 Daryl
  • 1980 Darvl
  • 1981 Mike Ammar
  • 1982 Bob Jardine
  • 1983 Mike Ammar
  • 1984 John Carney
  • 1985 Earl Nelson
  • 1986 Johnny Ace Palmer
  • 1987 Johnny Ace Palmer
  • 1988 John Carney
  • 1989 Dave Williamson
  • 1990 Dave Williamson
  • 1991 Martin Nash
  • 1992 Tony Giorgio
  • 1993 Rene Lavand
  • 1994 Paul Gertner
  • 1995 Paul Gertner
  • 1996 Martin Nash
  • 1997 Eugene Burger
  • 1998 Eugene Burger
  • 1999 Steve Valentine
  • 2000 Lennart Green
  • 2001 Steve Valentine
  • 2002 Shoot Ogawa
  • 2003 Whit Haydn
  • 2004 Whit Haydn
  • 2005 Shoot Ogawa


  • 1983 Tom Ogden
  • 1984 Tom Ogden
  • 1985 Michael Ammar
  • 1986 Daryl
  • 1987 Daryl
  • 1988 Kevin James
  • 1989 John Carney
  • 1990 Michael Ammar
  • 1991 John Carney
  • 1992 Chuck Fayne
  • 1993 Chuck Fayne
  • 1994 Dave Williamson
  • 1995 Whit Haydn
  • 1996 T.C. Tahoe
  • 1997 T.C. Tahoe
  • 1998 Aldo Colombini
  • 1999 Aldo Colombini
  • 2000 Martin Lewis
  • 2001 Martin Lewis
  • 2002 Whit Haydn
  • 2003 Dana Daniels
  • 2004 Dana Daniels
  • 2005 Michael Finney


  • 1968 Dick Zimmerman
  • 1969 "Senator" Clarke Crandall
  • 1970 Bruce Cervon
  • 1971 Bob Eads
  • 1972 Lou Derman
  • 1973 "Senator" Clarke Crandall
  • 1974 Ali Bongo
  • 1975 Milbourne Christopher
  • 1976 Sid Lorraine
  • 1977 Pat Culliton
  • 1978 Jerry Andrus
  • 1979 Max Maven
  • 1980 Karrell Fox
  • 1981 Albert Goshman
  • 1982 Mike Ammar
  • 1983 Mike Ammar
  • 1984 Eugene Burger
  • 1985 Eugene Burger
  • 1986 Gaeton Bloom
  • 1987 Chuck Fayne
  • 1988 Daryl
  • 1989 Dale Salwak
  • 1990 Dave Williamson
  • 1991 John Carney
  • 1992 Daryl
  • 1993 Dave Williamson
  • 1994 Paul Gertner
  • 1995 Jahnoy Ace Palmer
  • 1996 David Roth
  • 1987 Tom Mullica
  • 1998 Peter Pit
  • 1999 Johnny Ace Palmer
  • 2000 Aldo Colombini
  • 2001 David Regal
  • 2002 Paul Green
  • 2003 Aldo Colombini
  • 2004 Bob Sheets
  • 2005 Martin Lewis


  • 1976 Dirk Arthur
  • 1977 Robbie Millman
  • 1978 Geofrey Williams
  • 1979 Mark Kalin
  • 1980 Mark van Buren; The Magic Company (Bob Piskens, Jim Heckens, Yvonne Pickens,Rita Nessett)
  • 1981 Scott Cervine; Michael Weber
  • 1982 Ed Alonzo; Larry Clark; Bill Goodwin
  • 1984 Ray Kosby; Danny Scott
  • 1985 Scott Tokar
  • 1986 David Doyle
  • 1989 Mark Matsumoto; Jason Alexander
  • 1990 Steve Barnes
  • 1992 Michael Battistoni
  • 1995 Chris Gongora
  • 1996 Mindy Edberg; Jason Neistat; Matt Marcy
  • 1997 Wesley Edberg
  • 1998 Danny Cole; Thomas Meier; Bryan Stoops
  • 1999 James Holguin
  • 2000 Scott Berry; Joseph Tran
  • 2001 Jason Latimer
  • 2002 David Stryker
  • 2003 Joel Ward; Matthew Grunwald; Jonathon Dabach
  • 2004 Tony Elias
  • 2005 Jessica Phillips

Official Web Site


  • The Academy of Magical Arts Awards Shows A 20 Year Retrospect by Paul Butler in Genii 1988 January
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