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The Warpsmith's Toolbox

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The Warpsmith's Toolbox
AuthorTom Stone
Publication Date1993

This was the first time Tom Stone published his ideas in English.


  • Foreword by Lennart Green.
  • Ambivalent Travellers - An easy version of Travelers for table-hopping using half cards.
  • Flight of the Bottle Cap - A bottle cap disappears and is found securely back on the bottle it originally came from.
  • The Impromptu Cigarette Tear - A filter tip of a cigarette is torn off, then thrown back on again.
  • The One Coin Opener - A multi-phase routine with a coin.
  • Wishbringer by Chris Cox - A card trick with a hypnosis presentation.
  • Subliminal Persuation - Hidden messages appear on the cards in a deck.
  • The Transreality Leap by Karl Grendel - Transformation of a written message on a playing card.
  • T S Cigarette Vanish - A cigarette vanishes when it is lighted.
  • Gumshoe by Chris Cox - A sandwich effect.
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