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Passe-Passe Bottles

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Passe-Passe Bottles is a classic illusion in which a whiskey bottle, and a stemmed glass or tumbler, magically and inexplicably exchange places under cover of two cylindrical tubes at the hands of the performer.[1] A marvelous, classic illusion when performed well in a swiftly placed manner, with an entertaining patter.

The effect was commonly used by performers as early as 1876.[1][2]

Ad for Multiplying Bottles - Genii, Vol. 17, 1961

Around 1919, an extension of the effect usually credited as having been created by Arthur P. Felsman in Chicago added an extra bottle for comedy effect.[3]

In the 1920's, a further extension of the effect became the modern Multiplying Bottles.[4][5][6]

The Multiplying Bottles effect has been criticized by some performers as tending towards giving away the secret working of the simpler, classic Passe-Passe effect by virtue of repeating essentially the same effect multiple times. This, of course, by its very nature, violates the old maxim of never repeating the same trick more than once.[7]

See also:

Multiplying Bottles


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Passe-Passe Trick", in Modern Magic, by Professor Hoffmann (1876).
  2. The Passe Passe Bottles, in Magic and Its Mysteries, by J. Dazley Theobald, 1880, p. 82.
  3. Felsman's Magical Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, Nov. 1919. Felsman advertises the Passe-Passe Trick with an extra bottle for comedy effect, stating, "Supplied only by us and taking one week's time, as we make this trick 'to order only'."
  4. Jack Potter, Abracadabra, Vol. 63, 1976, p.16.
  5. Lloyd E. Jones in Genii 1978 July, Vol. 42, No. 7, page 424
  6. Genii Forums - "Origin of Multiplying Bottles".
  7. Gingles, J. - "My Secret Hobby & Favorite Escapes (puns intended)", from Accidents of Luck - A Personal Memoir, Washington, DC, 2007.