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Ye Olde Magic Mag

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Ye Olde Magic Mag
Issue Zero
PublisherMarco Pusterla
First issueOctober 2014
Final issueOngoing

Ye Olde Magic Mag, also known as YOMM, is a quarterly publication dedicated to the history of magic and to general magic collecting news, published by Marco Pusterla.

The magazine started in October 2014 with the release of one "Issue Zero", in digital format, freely downloadable, and with a printed version. Issue Zero was a "sampler" issue, with only a few pages (8 in the PDF; 12 in the print edition). From December 2014, the first issue was published, both in digital and print format.

The printed version is European A5 format, on yellow paper, stapled, with an average of 56 pages per issue. The digital version is distributed as a PDF, in landscape format in US "letter" size, suitable for printing or display on tablets. From Vol. 3 issue 1, the digital version is the same format as the printed one (European A5). The digital version is watermarked with the name and email address of the buyer.

The print version is in a limited print run (25 copies for vol. 1 issues 0 and 1, 50 copies for Vol. 1 issues 2, 3 and 4; it then increased to 75 copies and from volume 4 settled on about 95 copies), numbered and signed by the publisher and containing an "insert", being a piece of memorabilia (a token, a postcard...) or some other paper ephemera related to the magazine.


Every issue contains a variable number of articles, with generally a major (cover) article which spans most pages, and a variable number of other articles by the editor or contributors. Constant columns are "Auction Action", a review of significant magic items sold at auction in the past quarter, and "Chewing the (magic) fat", a group of short stories about magic anecdotes, book reviews, general rambling from the editor on items pertaining magic collecting and history.

