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ATFUS, Any Time Face-Up Switch, was a card sleight coined by Ed Marlo and published in the April 1964 issue of New Tops which switches out some cards from a small packet of face-up cards, leaving them with the remainder of the deck, while only appearing to display them.

In 1956, Alex Elmsley published an effect in the Pentagram, Vol. 10, No. 12, september, page 93 called Still Taking Three - Routine 2 that contained the concept of this sleight (although not given a name).

Information about the credit and history of ATFUS has been written in:

To avoid a new polemic, here are the conclusions of Stephen Minch :

"Mr. Elmsley, it should be noted, was unaware of this obscure dispute and would never dream of participating in it. This summary of the matter is mine alone, and its given in the hope of putting the subject peacefully to rest."


Effects using ATFUS