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Ibidem | |
Ibidem Vol. 1 No. 1 | |
Editors | P. Howard Lyons |
First issue | June 1955 |
Final issue | 1979 |
Country | Canada |
Total issues | 36 |
Ibidem (1955-1979) magic periodical was edited by P. Howard Lyons from Toronto, Ontario, Canada for 36 issues. It was one of the most notable magic periodical in Canada's history. The emphasis was on card magic, although puzzles and recreational mathematics also appeared.
Only 50 copies of the first few issues were printed. Each cover was individually silk-screened by his wife Pat Patterson Lyons.
The publishing schedule was erratic. There was a ten years lapse between issue 34/35 (1969) and 36 (1979).
Issues contained contributions from Ed Marlo, Stewart James, Howard Lyons, Norman Houghton, Mel Stover, The Amazing Randi, Ken Beale, Tom Ransom, Francis Haxton, L. Vosburgh Lyons, Peter Warlock, Martin Gardner, Faucett W. Ross, Bill Simon, Tom Bowyer, Elmer Biddle, William Miesel, Alex Elmsley, Ravelli and Neal Elias.
Lyons also conceived a follow-on project called Aziz, which would contain no design work, no editing and no-rewriting, just contributions "as is". Lyons unfortunately died before any issues were released. Max Maven took the collection of material that was gathered for the first issue and created seven issues. Maven also helped with getting the unpublished Ibidem 37 together. All this was published in the hardbound Ibidem Volume 3/Aziz & Beyond (2002).
- 1970s: Reprinted by Karl Fulves (issues 1 to 12)
- 1993: Ibidem Volume 1 in hardcover by Kaufman and Greenberg, No. 1 to 16.
- 2001: Ibidem Volume 2 in hardcover by Hermetic Press, No. 17 to 28.
- 2002: Ibidem Volume 3/Aziz & Beyond in hardcover by Hermetic Press, No. 29 to 37.
The reprints have additional material - the missing issue No. 37, the material tabled for Aziz and Beyond, and several other items.
(Page numbers are based on Volume 1 hardcover edition)
Ibidem 1, June 1955
- 2 - Editor's Comments
- 3 - Parlay: A Card Avenue (Stewart James)
- 4 - A Record Prediction (Randall Zwinge / The Amazing Randi)
- 7 - Color Blind (Norman Houghton)
- 9 - Cheating at Cheating No. 1
- 9 - Middle Deal (P.H. Lyons)
- 9 - No Switch Switch (P.H. Lyons)
- 10 - Double Dealing Second Deal (P.H. Lyons)
- 10 - T-E-L-E-M-A-T-H-Y (Mel Stover)
- 12 - Puzzle: Herman the Hobo (Mel Stover)
- 12 - Infallible Coincidence (P.H. Lyons)
- 13 - Infallible Force (P.H. Lyons)
Ibidem 2, August 1955
- 16 - Editor's Comments
- 17 - M. C. Bit (P.H. Lyons)
- 18 - Atlantic Avenue (Stewart James)
- 19 - Maybe Make Three (Tom Bowyer)
- 20 - Puzzle Solution: Herman the Hobo (Mel Stover)
- 21 - Half A Headache (Ken Beale)
- 23 - Betcha (Mel Stover)
- 23 - Filler on Impression Pads (Randall Zwinge / The Amazing Randi)
- 24 - Double Up (P.H. Lyons)
- 25 - Deliver The Billets (Randall Zwinge / The Amazing Randi)
- 26 - Songs of Tom Leher
- 28 - Puzzle: Lewis Carroll (Mel Stover)
- 28 - A Letter, Strictly (Sic)
- 29 - Some Miraculous Manifestation of Dr. Dahesh
- 31 - Mentalism Tip (Randall Zwinge/The Amazing Randi)
Ibidem 3, August 1955
- 34 - Editor's Comments
- 35 - The Open Prediction
- 36 - No. 1 (Stewart James)
- 37 - No. 2 (Stewart James)
- 37 - No. 3 (Stewart James)
- 38 - No. 4 (Stewart James)
- 38 - No. 5 (Stewart James)
- 38 - No. 6 (Stewart James)
- 38 - No. 7 (Stewart James)
- 39 - No. 8 (Stewart James)
- 39 - No. 9 (Stewart James)
- 39 - No. 10 (Stewart James)
- 39 - No. 11 (Stewart James)
- 40 - No. 12 (Stewart James)
- 40 - No. 13 (Stewart James)
- 41 - No. 14 (Stewart James)
- 41 - No. 15 (Stewart James)
- 41 - No. 16 (Stewart James)
- 42 - No. 17 (Stewart James)
- 42 - No. 18 (Stewart James)
- 43 - No. 19 (Stewart James)
- 43 - No. 20 (Stewart James)
- 43 - No. 21 (Stewart James)
- 43 - No. 22 (Stewart James)
- 43 - No. 23 (Stewart James)
- 44 - No. 24 (Stewart James)
- 45 - No. 25 (Stewart James)
- 45 - The Lyons Share
- 45 - No. 26 (P.H. Lyons)
- 46 - No. 27 (P.H. Lyons)
- 46 - No. 28 (P.H. Lyons)
- 46 - No. 29 (P.H. Lyons)
- 46 - No. 30 (P.H. Lyons)
- 46 - No. 31 (P.H. Lyons)
- 46 - No. 32 (P.H. Lyons)
- 47 - No. 33 (P.H. Lyons)
- 47 - No. 34 (P.H. Lyons)
- 47 - No. 35 (P.H. Lyons)
- 47 - No. 36 (P.H. Lyons)
Ibidem 4, November 1955
- 50 - Editor's Comments
- 52 - The Mathematricker (Stewart James)
- 53 - Divination of Two Mentally Chosen Cards (Brown/Lyons/Ransom/Houghton)
- 54 - Addition and Teaser (Stewart James)
- 54 - Puzzles: The Huckster, Color Poker (Tom Ransom)
- 55 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 56 - Break Even (P.H. Lyons)
- 57 - Some Amazing Mazes (Peirce/Lyons)
- 59 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 60 - The Torn Off-Center (Randall Zwinge / The Amazing Randi)
- 61 - The Marlo-Curry Prediction (Francis Haxton)
- 61 - More Approaches to The Open Prediction
- 61 - No. 37 (P.H. Lyons)
- 62 - No. 38 (P.H. Lyons)
- 62 - No. 39 (P.H. Lyons)
- 62 - No. 40 (P.H. Lyons)
- 62 - No. 41 (P.H. Lyons)
- 63 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 63 - Dirty Deal (P.H. Lyons)
- 64 - Cheating at Cheating No. 2
- 64 - Prak-Tekel Hand Control (P.H. Lyons)
- 65 - No Switch Switch No. 2 (Ken Beale)
Ibidem 5, April 1956
- 80 - Editor's Comments
- 81 - Puzzle Solution: Lewis Carroll (Mel Stover)
- 82 - So Nero (Stewart James)
- 83 - Brown Study (Tom Ramsom)
- 84 - Okosa (Mel Stover)
- 85 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 86 - Out of This Mind (P.H. Lyons)
- 87 - Puzzle: Shear Madness (Tom Ramsom)
- 88 - Setting Up Exercise (Ken Beale)
- 89 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 90 - Mentrick (L. Vosburgh Lyons)
- 91 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 92 - Cheating at Cheating No. 3
- 93 - Pseudo Seconds (Ken Beale)
- 94 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 94 - The Negative Miracle (P.H. Lyons)
- 95 - HiLo (Norm Houghton)
- 96 - Stranger of Another Color (Norm Houghton)
Ibidem 6, July 1956
- 100 - Editor's Comments
- 101 - Warlock's Way (Peter Warlock)
- 102 - Puzzle: Sugar Lumps (Mel Stover)
- 102 - Two Cues (Mel Stover)
- 103 - Ambiguous Cards (P.H. Lyons)
- 103 - The "One Two Three" Trick (Martin Gardner)
- 104 - In His Cups (Paul J. Curry)
- 106 - Background on The Dee Vee Manuscript (Faucett W. Ross)
- 107 - Follow The Leader (Tom Bowyer)
- 108 - Blood is Thicker Than Oil (P.H. Lyons)
- 109 - Principles Only! (Martin Gardner)
- 110 - Puzzle: Cubes (Stover, Ransom, Houghton)
- 110 - Redundant (Tom Ransom)
- 111 - Puzzle Solution: Shear Madness (Tom Ransom)
- 111 - New Keys (The Great Randi)
- 112 - Ribbon-Spread Cards Suspension (Bruce Posgate)
- 115 - Cheating at Cheating No. 4
- 116 - Blindfold Stud (Ken Beale)
Ibidem 7, September 1956
- 118 - Editor's Comments
- 119 - Tom Ransom Letter
- 119 - Puzzle Solution: Sugar Lumps (Mel Stover)
- 120 - Time Machine (Ed Marlo)
- 123 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 124 - Heavenly Sevens (L. Vosburgh Lyons)
- 127 - One Way the Hard Way (Faucett W. Ross)
- 128 - Movable Marker (Norman Houghton)
- 129 - Flexa-Tube Puzzle (Martin Gardner)
- 129 - Puzzle: Smith's Dilemna (Martin Gardner)
- 130 - Simon-Chanted Evening (Bill Simon)
- 131 - Puzzle Solutions: Cubes (Stover and Ransom)
- 132 - TNUOC (Bill Elliot)
- 132 - OGNIB (Mel Stover)
- 133 - Money Maker (P.H. Lyons)
- 134 - Wildroot (P.H. Lyons)
- 136 - Take Nine (Ken Beale)
- 138 - Suggestion Box (Norman Houghton)
Ibidem 8, December 1956
- 140 - Editor's Comments
- 140 - An Ed Marlo Bibliography
- 141 - Separating Aces, 4th Method (Ed Marlo)
- 142 - Repeat Transposition, Five Methods (Ed Marlo)
- 145 - The Torn Joker (Ed Marlo)
- 146 - Puzzle: Twin Matchng (Mel Stover)
- 146 - On The Memorized Deck (Ed Marlo)
- 147 - A Miracle With Cards (Ed Marlo)
- 149 - Puzzle Solution: Cubes (Houghton)
- 149 - New Oil and Water Routine (Ed Marlo)
- 150 - Oil and Water Climax (Ed Marlo)
- 152 - All One Way (Ed Marlo)
- 154 - Cased-In Shuffle (Ed Marlo)
- 155 - Solutions To A Problem, Five Methods (Ed Marlo)
- 158 - Notes On The Turnabout Pass (Ed Marlo)
- 159 - Stanyon Advertisement
- 159 - Mexican Solitaire (Ed Marlo)
- 160 - Progressive Poker
- 161 - Royal Flush Control
- 161 - Trick Brain Tumors
Ibidem 9, March 1957
- 164 - Editor's Comments
- 165 - Royal Box (Don Tanner)
- 166 - A Clean Book Test (The Amazing Randi)
- 167 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 168 - Three More (Francis Haxton)
- 170 - Resurrection Dept.
- 170 - One-Man Impossibility (Tom Bowyer)
- 170 - "Sucker" Effect
- 171 - Final 3 Cardmanship (P.H. Lyons)
- 171 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 172 - Three Up (P.H. Lyons)
- 173 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 174 - Flexa-Tube Solution (Tom Ransom)
- 175 - Latest Oil and Water (Ed Marlo)
- 177 - 2 with 6 (P.H. Lyons)
- 178 - Poor Mixers (Norman Houghton)
- 180 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 180 - Puzzle Solution: Twin Matching (Mel Stover)
- 180 - Clown Version (P.H. Lyons)
- 181 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 181 - Slipduc (P.H. Lyons)
- 182 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 182 - Mixmaster (Tom Ransom)
- 183 - Miracle Transposition (Ed Marlo)
- 184 - Department Dept.
Ibidem 10, June 1957
- 186 - Editor's Comments
- 187 - Stover's Unanswerable Propositions
- 187 - Red Black Locations (Ed Marlo)
- 189 - Puzzle for Marks (P.H. Lyons)
- 190 - Athelete's Fool (P.H. Lyons)
- 191 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 192 - Principles Only
- 192 - Looped! (Martin Gardner)
- 192 - Biddle Diddle (Elmer Biddle)
- 193 - Elmer's Spell (Elmer Biddle)
- 193 - Here There & Everywhere (P.H. Lyons)
- 194 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 195 - Ambitious Ten (William Miesel)
- 196 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 196 - Double Buckle Vanish (Ed Marlo)
- 197 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 198 - No Latin Needed (John Howie)
- 199 - The Compleat Angler (Norman Houghton)
- 200 - Skipping Elevator (Ed Marlo)
Ibidem 11, September 1957
- 204 - Editor's Comments
- 205 - Bubble Spectacle (Norman Houghton)
- 206 - Jumping Jehosophat (P.H. Lyons)
- 208 - Shears (Norman Houghton)
- 209 - Puzzle: Bananastand (Mel Stover)
- 209 - PSI Stebbins: Three Methods (P.H. Lyons)
- 210 - High in Denmark (P.H. Lyons)
- 211 - A Puzzle From The Future! (Tom Ransom)
- 211 - 3 Mental Effects (Ed Marlo)
- 211 - New Tail of the Q
- 213 - Telephone Test
- 214 - Mental and Physical
- 215 - Telephone Extension (P.H. Lyons)
- 216 - Piano Music (Tom Ransom)
- 217 - A Letter from Alex (Alex Elmsley)
- 218 - Through Darkest Peirce (Alex Elmsley)
- 221 - Late Night Location (Alex Elmsley)
- 221 - Choosey (Alex Elmsley)
- 222 - Work in Progress (Alex Elmsley)
- 222 - 3³ Up (William Miesel)
- 223 - Trick Brain Tumors
Ibidem 12, December 1957
- 226 - Editor's Comment's
- 227 - Puzzle: Magical Principles
- 227 - Hummer-Marlo (Ed Marlo)
- 229 - Puzzle Solution: Bananastand (Mel Stover)
- 229 - The Backward Faro (Ed Marlo)
- 230 - Jack Avis Tip for "Shears"
- 230 - The Faro Calculator (Ed Marlo)
- 231 - Puzzle Solution: Puzzle From The Future! (Tom Ransom)
- 232 - Sum Total (Alexander F. Kraus)
- 232 - Stripper Trick (Norman Houghton)
- 233 - OWOOOooo-o-o-o! (Norman Houghton)
- 235 - 1002nd Aces Alex Elmsley
- 236 - Somerset (P.H. Lyons)
- 237 - A Short Brownwave (Jack Avis)
- 238 - A Simple Brownwave (Jack Avis)
- 238 - Delayed Brownwave (Jack Avis)
- 239 - Aces, Red & Black (Arthur Hastings)
- 240 - CUBEB (L. Vosburgh Lyons)
- 242 - Department Page
Ibidem 13, March 1958
- 244 - Editor's Comments
- 245 - Stough
- 246 - Auto Prediction (Alex Elmsley)
- 247 - 7-16 (Alex Elmsley)
- 248 - Puzzle: Fist Through Cigarette Paper (Tom Ransom)
- 248 - Peirce Arrow (Alex Elmsley)
- 248 - Tip from Ravelli
- 249 - Two Puzzles (Martin Gardner)
- 250 - Mental Disclosure: Two Methods (Ed Marlo)
- 251 - Sibling (Tom Ransom)
- 252 - MelMath (Mel Stover)
- 253 - No Two Ways (Ron Edwards)
- 254 - Nic's Trick
- 255 - Sum Total (Alexander F. Kraus)
- 258 - Sum More
- 259 - Two Little Houghtons (Norm Houghton)
- 259 - The Shower of Aces
- 260 - Honest Weight
- 260 - Hollow Mockery (Norman Houghton)
Ibidem 14, September 1958
- 262 - Editor's Comments
- 263 - Australian Poker (Tom Ransom)
- 264 - Thoughts on Piano: Three Methods (Ed Marlo)
- 266 - When You Can't Face It (Ric Schonblom)
- 267 - Tips from Ravelli
- 268 - In the Mind (Thomas M. Harris)
- 269 - No Two Ways (Second Way) (Norman Houghton)
- 270 - A Blue Prediction (Gerald Kosky)
- 271 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 271 - For He's a Jolly Good Follow (P.H. Lyons)
- 272 - Reverse Stud (P.H. Lyons)
- 273 - A Letter to Faucett (Tom Bowyer)
- 274 - Auto Discovery (Alex Elmsley)
- 275 - Double Control (Alex Elmsley)
- 275 - Chance & Choice (Alex Elmsley)
- 276 - Mathematics & Mentalism (Alex Elmsley)
- 277 - "Why-Believe-Its" (P.H. Lyons)
- 277 - Switchy-Coo (Alex Elmsley)
- 278 - Trick Brain Tumors
- 278 - Whose World? (P. Domain)
Ibidem 15, December 1958
- 282 - Editor's Comments
- 282 - Quick 3-Way (Ed Marlo)
- 284 - In Lieu of the Hindoo Shuffle: Six Methods (Ed Marlo)
- 285 - Mini-Classic: Two Methods (Ed Marlo)
- 287 - A Sixy Effect (Ed Marlo)
- 288 - A Variation to a Sixy Effect (Ed Marlo)
- 288 - Buffalo'd (Ed Marlo)
- 289 - Jack and Ace Transposition (Ed Marlo)
- 290 - Puzzle Solution: Seven Cigarettes
- 291 - Oil & Water - Water & Oil - Oil & Water (Ed Marlo)
- 291 - 3 Jacks and 3 Tens
- 292 - Reds and Blues
- 295 - All Face-Up Oil and Water
- 296 - Add Note to P. M. (Ed Marlo)
- 296 - Progressive Miracle Variation
- 297 - To Tell The Truth
Ibidem 16, March 1959
- 300 - Editor's Comments
- 301 - Puzzle Solutions: Matches (Martin Gardner)
- 302 - 3 Card Monkey Business (Bill Elliot)
- 305 - Observation Test (Marlo, Elias, Fenn)
- 308 - Dream of a Dream (P.H. Lyons)
- 309 - Piano Mover (Martin Gardner)
- 310 - Mental Count (Neal Elias)
- 311 - Double Selection (Neal Elias)
- 311 - You Did It! (Tom Ransom)
- 312 - Puzzle: Big Casino (Tom Ransom)
- 313 - The 8 Card Wonder: Five Effects (Ed Marlo)
- 316 - From the Subliminal to the Ridiculous (Tom Ransom)
- 316 - Tip from Jack Stone on Prell Treatment
- 317 - Two Faces of Eve (Norman Houghton)
- 318 - Ring Off (P.H. Lyons)
- 319 - Down! (P.H. Lyons)