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Magicians' Tricks, How They Are Done

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Magicians' Tricks, How They Are Done
AuthorHenry Hatton
PublisherThe Century Co.
Publication Date1910
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Magicians' Tricks, How They Are Done by Henry Hatton with Adrian Plate (who were well known magicians of their time) is a book for amateur and professional magicians explaining 140 tricks performed with cards, coins, balls, eggs, handkerchiefs, and other common household items with 194 black-and-white illustrations. It features tricks from Germain, Conradi, Goldston and Okito.

The authors drew the wrath of many fellow magicians for exposure by permitting sections to be reprinted in a magazine for boys, "St. Nicholas".

This book became a classic and was called the 'first American general textbook' of magic by Henry Hay and rated one of the ten basic books by the historian H. Adrian Smith.


  • I With Cards
  • II With Coins
  • III With Balls and Eggs
  • IV With Handkerchiefs
  • V Some After-Dinner Tricks
  • VI Miscellaneous Tricks


  • First Edition, the Century Co., New York, 1910
  • The Century Co., New York, 1917
  • Dover, 2003
  • ISBN 0486425169


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