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Genii 1963 August
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Genii August 1953, Volume 27, Number 12
Cover George Val George
- A couple of Coin Moves by Jerry Andius 514
- The Penngrove Pickup by Dick Zimmeiman 515
- Turn Over Supreme by John and Mauieen Bowery 516
- Fummental by North Bigbee 517
- Pocket Money by Glenn Gravatt 518
- My Favorite Telephone Trick from Loyd's Scrapbook 519
- Our Cover - George Val George 521
- The M D A Big Brass by Ed Dart 526
- I G P Mexico Convention by Poo Van 529
- In Search of "Sir Galahad" . . . in TV Land by Zell 530
- The State ol Magic in Japan by the Amazing Randi 532
- Genii Speaks by Wm Larsen (Jr ) 513
- Bagdad by Wm Larsen (Jr ) 522
- 25 Years Ago m Genii by Genie Baker 323
- Tricks of the Trade by Ed Mishell 525
- Light fiom the Lamp
- Magicians' Guild News by Georgia Kondos 534
- Suggestion for a Magic Meeting
- Lecturers
- Obituary - Vivian Cosby 524