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Printed Bibliographies
- Henry R. Evans, Bibliography of Natural Magic and Prestidigitation (1897)
- H. J. Burlingame, Bibliotheca Magica contained within "Tricks in Magic, Illusions and Mental Phenomena, Vol. III" (1898)
- Johann George Graesse Bibliotecha Magica et Pneumatica
- A facsimile of the original edition published in Leipzig by W. Englemann, 1843, listing more than 3000 published items on magic
- Ellis Stanyon, A Bibliography of Conjuring (1899)
- Sidney W. Clarke and Adolphe Blind, The Bibliography of Conjuring and Kindred Deceptions (1920)
- Harry Price, Short Title Catalogue of Works on Psychical Research, Spiritualism, Magic (1929)
- James B. Findlay, Scottish Conjuring Bibliography (1951)
- Victor Farelli, Magical Bibliographies; A Guide (1953)
- Trevor H. Hall, A Bibliography of Books on Conjuring in English from 1580 to 1850 (1957)
- Edgar Heyl, A Contribution to Conjuring Bibliography, English Language 1580-1850 (1963)
- Heyl intended in this bibliography to record all conjuring books not described in Hall's Bilbiography of Books on Conjuring in English from 1580-1850. He resurveyed all the conjuring bibliographies available including visits to the Library of Congress, the Peabody Library and the Enoch Pratt Free Library.
- Raymond Toole Stott, A Bibliography of English Conjuring 1581-1876 (1976)
- Raymond Tool Stott, A Bibliography of English Conjuring Volume Two 1569-1876 (1976)
- James B. Alfredson and George L. Daily , Bibliography of Conjuring Periodicals in English 1791-1983 (1986).
- contains over 7,500 entries of Magic Periodicals in the English language
- Stephen A. Fernandes, Magic Magazines of the Second Millennium: A Bibliography of English-language Conjuring Periodicals, August 1791- January 2000 (2000)
- 2,000 more titles of Magic Periodicals.
Electronic Bibliographies
- The Miracle Factory, Conjuring Bibliographies: An Essential Guide to Antiquarian Magic Books.
- Peter Prevos, Magic Perspectives: Scholarly Bibliography of Theatrical Magic.