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Revision as of 14:26, 2 March 2013 by Jpecore (Talk | contribs)

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# This is a title blacklist. Titles that match a regex here cannot be created.
# Use "#" for comments.
# Please comment any additions made to the blacklist.
.*index\.php.* # anti-spambot
#Not in scope, LTA
# Usernames
#Not in scope
Cento[\ *]e\ *.*
# grossness
.*JEWS DID .*  
.*[OÓÒÔÖÕǑŌŎǪŐŒØƏΌΟΩῸὈὉὌὊὍὋОӨӦӪ0][N₦ŃÑŅŇṆΝ][ ]?[WŴẀẂẄẆẈ₩][HΉĤĦȞʰʱḢḤḦḨḪНҢӇӉΗἨἩἪἫἬἭἮἯῊᾘЋΗⱧԋњһh][ÉÈËEĘĚĔĖẺẸẾỀỄễỂểȨȩḜḝĒḖḗȄȅȆȇỆệḘḙḚḛ3عڠeēėèéëẽĕęəẻếềẹ][ÉÈËEĘĚĔĖẺẸẾỀỄễỂểȨȩḜḝĒḖḗȄȅȆȇỆệḘḙḚḛ3عڠeēėèéëẽĕęəẻếềẹ]+[L₤ĹĽḶŁĿΛЛЉ7][[S$ŚŜŞŠṢΣЅz5].* <moveonly> # Disallows moves with "on wheels" with 2 or more Es
.*on wh33ls.*
.*on whiels.*
.*on wiels.*
.*on hueels.*
.*\bwith wh?iels\b.* <moveonly>
.*on rails.* <moveonly>
.*on treads.* <moveonly>
.*BITCH.* <casesensitive>
.*COCK.* <casesensitive>
.*(giant|huge) penis.*
.*have sex.*  
.*(?:suck|his|your|my) penis.*  
.*\bis\s+an?\s+(?:dick|cunt|fag|bitch|shit|fuck|loser|ass|gay|ghey|moron|retard|stupid|slut|pa?edo).* <autoconfirmed>
.*\bis\s+an?\s+(?:dick|cunt|fag|bitch|shit|fuck|loser|ass|gay|ghey|moron|retard|stupid|slut|pa?edo).* <moveonly>
.*[คℂ℃℄ɕยี่ƌʥℇ℈℉ℊๆℋℌℍℎℏℐ‼ℑℒℕ℗℘ℙℚℛℜℝ℞℟๔℣ℤℨ℩ℬℭ℮ℯℰℱℲℳℴℹ℺⅁⅂⅃⅄ⅅⅆⅇⅈⅉⅎ].* <casesensitive> # Select Unicode Letterlike Symbols (excluding Kelvin, Angstrom and Ohm signs, see talk)
.*[\x{249C}-\x{24E9}].* <casesensitive> # Circled and parenthesized Latin letters
.*[\x{FF21}-\x{FF3A}\x{FF41}-\x{FF5A}].* <casesensitive | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-fullwidth> # Fullwidth Latin letters
.*[?ʖ؟ʔ].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # Question mark lookalikes, used for page move vandalism
.*[\x{1D00}-\x{1DBF}].* <casesensitive> # Phonetic extensions, almost never used in valid titles
.*[\x{0250}-\x{02AF}].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # IPA extensions, somewhat more common, so blocking only moves for now
.*[∀-∑∟-∳⊂-⋕⋲-⋿].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # Select mathematical operators (excluding "−", "∞" and some other common ones)
.*[\x{27C0}-\x{27ef}\x{2980}-\x{29ff}\x{2a00}-\x{2aff}].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # Misc./supplemental mathematical symbols
.*[ⱧȢƪƪҤҺԊѓԍҥҩԌЃϓғҒЊӷⱤɌɍᵲᶉɼᵃᵍᴱᵣᔮᓂᑫᓈᒦ٨٣ץױוזשלﬨטּפּבּڠɆɇᶒⱸȺⱥᶏ١].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # Letter lookalikes; none of these are currently used in any mainspace title 
#Cross-wiki abuse
.*Massimo ?Chiacchio.*
# MagicPedia SPAM
.*help you.*
.*help with.*
# Long titles are usually spam 
[\s\S]{40,} #Name is too long, please contact Admin to have created.