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EditorsBill Miesel
Publisherunikorn magic
First issueJune, 1983
Final issueSpring of 2006
Total issues104

Precursor A Magazine of Innovation was a Magic Periodical edited by Bill Miesel with Ed Eckle that came out three times a year.

Intended from conception to be the heir of Ibidem, it was devoted mainly to card magic and close-up as a means to introduce experimental ideas. It started with a first issue dated June, 1983 and lasted for 13 years for a total of 100 issues.[1] There were also four "Special Issues" published in October 1983, November 1986, April 1988, and April 1993.

Contributors included Mike Skinner, Stewart James, Ken Krenzel, Max Maven, Ed Marlo, J.K. Hartman, Gene Maze, Lou Gallo, Jon Racherbaumer, Bill Kalush, Chris Kenner, Karl Fulves, Mel Stover and Martin Gardner.

At the 2002 FFFF, Eckle and Miesel receive plaques for the work they did on the magazine.
