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Genii 1942 April

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Genii 1942 April
DateApril 1942
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  • Bagdad (News) by William W. Larsen, Sr. 289
  • Genii Speaks (Editorial) by William W. Larsen, Sr. 290
  • Avenge Pearl Harbor (Rope) by Raymond Beebe (Dr.) 291
  • The Mystic Balls (Miscellaneous Props) by R.M. Jamison 292
  • Now You See It (Miscellaneous Props) by Melbourne Christopher 293
  • Strip Tease (Miscellaneous Props) by Al Baker 294
  • A Coin Exchange (Coins) by Paul Morris 295
  • Fort Worth Where the West Begins (Article) by Frank Naugle 296
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  • On The Land - OnThe Sea - In The Air Magicians In the Service (Article) by T. J. Roberts (Cpt.) 297
  • Cardini The World's Most Imitated Magician (Article) by John Booth 298
  • Odd Magical Facts (Article) by Frank Fewins 300
  • Chicago Notes (News) by Jim Sherman 300
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  • Magiministers (Article) by Gordon W. Mattice (Rev.) 301
  • Magic of the East (Article) by Max Holden 301
  • M-U-M SAM Assembly News (News) by Leslie P. Guest 303
  • Los Magicos Legerdemain (Article) by Rudy Miller 307
  • Connecticut Conjuring (Article) by Vynn Boyar 308
  • Chap's Corner (Article) by Frank Chapman 308
  • Chicago Notes (News) by George Troseth 309
  • Northern California Comments (Article) by Bob Stull 309
  • Seattle News (News) by Charles Smith 309
  • Paging the Ladies (Article) by Geraldine Conrad Larsen 310
  • From Wisconsin (Article) by Walter The Magician 311
  • Detroit News (News) by William A. Heisell 311
  • Blackstone Review (Show review) by Paul Morris 312
  • Kanter's Komments (Article) by Mitchell Kanter 312