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More Secrets

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More Secrets
AuthorTom Sellers
PublisherGeorge Johnson
Publication Date1933
SeriesThe Magic Wand


  • The “Pass” Cigarette Sleight
  • A New Cigarette Sleight
  • The Strong Cigarette
  • Pin Divination
  • The Novelty Cigarette Exchange
  • “Duplex” on the Top Card
  • A Mysterious Card Change
  • Bow Balls
  • Handkerchief Production from an Empty Glass
  • New Magnetic Pencil
  • A New Idea for the “Living and Dead” Effect
  • Bending a Glass Rod
  • An Amazing Dictionary Feat
  • Touch Counters
  • A Pretty Card Turnover
  • A Colour Change Handkerchief Box
  • The Phantom Poles of Pundit
  • Throbit
  • A Pretty Ribbon Effect
  • One Man Sealed Message Reading
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