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James Andrews

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James Andrews

James Andrews (?) was one of the first candidates of S.W. Erdnase's identity, the author of Expert at the Card Table (1902).[1]


In 1947, Martin Gardner located the artist who illustrated "The Expert", M. D. Smith, which led him to searching for a James Andrews, which spells S.W. Erdnase backwards if you drop the first three letters ( [Jam]esandrEWS ). He found a James J. Andrews listed in The New York City Directory for 1909 lists a clairvoyant, living at 398 Sixth Avenue and an article written by a "James Andrews" published in Harper's Magazine (June 26, 1909) titled "The Confessions of a Fakir".[2]

Gardner eventually dropped this candidate for Milton F. Andrews.


  1. Erdnase, Genii 1948 July
  2. The Conjurors' Magazine of August 1949