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A Rich Cabinet

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A Rich Cabinet, with Variety of Inventions...Whereunto is added a variety of Recreative Fire-works, both for Land, Aire, and Water by John White was printed in London in 1668.

A popular handbook, with a frontispiece depicting different types of fireworks displays, was reprinted eight times during the seventeenth century.

The fourth edition was divided into three sections, the second being a 70 pages long "School of Artificial Fire-works." Included in this "School" were: how to make a wheel of fire-works to run forward and backward upon the ground; several compositions for the ordering of stars of several colors; and how to make a Whale, a Mermaid, or other to play and swim upon the water.

At least nine editions were published before 1700.


  • 1651
  • 1668 (with additions)
  • 1684

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