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The Art of Jugling or Legerdemaine

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The Art of Jugling or Legerdemaine (the introduction is signed as "Sa. Rid.") was a pamphlet published in 1612 published by Samuel Rand.

No one knows who wrote it. "Rid" may simply be a misprint of "Rnd" (the publisher)

It contains magic with cards, coins, balls, knives, and other objects. It even includes a packet trick with specially designed cards. Many of the effects are taken directly from Reginald Scot’s The Discoverie of Witchcraft with two notable exceptions; a three-ball routine and an early use of specially printed cards in an Kings-to-Aces-to-blanks effect.

There are only four known copies of the first edition in the world.


  • 1612
  • 1614
  • Facsimilie reprint. Amsterdam, Norwood, New Jersey : Walter J. Johnson, Inc.; Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Ltd., (1974) ISBN 9022106888
  • Hardbound reprint Miracle Factory (2008)
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