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Don Lawton

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Don Lawton was a former magic dealer, lecturer, early television pitchman and a fixture at the Magic Castle. (b 1922 - 1988)

This highly entertaining magician impacted on St. Louis for 20 years, as performer, seller and demostrator of magic at 4 different shops. His comedic magic style also eaned him extended contracts for personel appearance and TV commercials. Lawton had a little magic shop in the back of his St. Louis home at one time and was known for performing effects such as Disecto, the Egg Bag and Clippo.

In 1947, Lawton kept busy by incorporating magic into live television advertisements for Falstaff Beer. Later, he used coffee cans to create a passé-passé trick for Old Judge Coffee. Lawton was assisted with over 50 live television commercials for Old Judge, using such props as the Milk Pitcher and the Card Duck.

He was a recipient of the The Academy of Magical Arts Stage Magician of the Year Award and a Life Achievement Fellowship. For a time, he also served on the AMA Board of Directors and as host at the Magic Castle.

He was awarded the St. Louis magical Hertitage Award in 1995 by IBM ring One and SAM Assembly 8.

