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Herrmann The Magician: His Life, His Secrets

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Herrmann The Magician: His Life, His Secrets
AuthorH. J. Burlingame
PublisherLaird & Lee
Publication Date1897
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Herrmann The Magician: His Life, His Secrets outlines the career and repertoire of Alexander Herrmann , one the most successful American stage magician of the last half of the nineteenth century.

It also contained Max Dessoir's English translation of "The Psychology of Legerdemain".

Contains three chapters, the first being His Birthplace His Family His Early Years The Career of His Famous Brother Carl Herrmann; the second The Life and Career of Alexander Herrmann and the last chapter being Herrmann's Secrets With 50 Entries of a Variety of His Magic.

The last page of the book is a copy of the last program of Herrmann The Great at the Columbia Theatre Chicago for the week beginning January 15 1896.

Later reprinted by Magico, with an introduction by Barrie Richardson.

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