
Ad Specifications


  • Text-Searchable PDF format ONLY
  • All fonts must be Embedded
  • Convert all color to CMYK. ( CMYK format for color ads )
  • We no longer sell black and white only ads
  • NAMING Please use this naming convention: “YourcompanynamePublicationMonth.pdf


  1. Do not flatten layers in your document before creating your Photoshop PDF. Text layer must be visible.
  2. Save as a Photoshop PDF. Under “Options” in the dialog box, check the box marked “Preserve Photoshop Editing Capabilities.
  3. Before submitting your ad, make certain your PDF is text searchable by opening it in Acrobat and searching for your URL and/or email address text in your ad.


  • 300 ppi for all images
  • 1200 ppi for Bitmapped artwork

Margin & Bleed

  • Please include crop marks outside trim area
  • All text should be .25″ inside the edges of your ad size
  • If bleeding, background image should extend .25″ beyond trim size



  • Generally, on the 25th of the month, two months prior to the issue you want your ad to appear. (ex. Sept. 25 for the November issue).
  • Please call the Genii office at 301-652-5800 for deadlines and to reserve space in a specific issue.

Ad Rates & Sizes

The above prices include one live link to your website. Ads must be in Text-Searchable PDF format. All fonts must be embedded, and color converted to CMYK. Before submitting your ad, make certain your PDF is text searchable by opening it in Acrobat and searching for the text of your URL and/or email address.

Ad Submission Dates

It is recommended to reserve ad space well in advance of deadline. Please submit your ad per our Advertising Specifications. Ad Order Form and Payment must be received by closing date for single ads or first ad of the contract period.

Contract Advertising

We offer two contract advertising options at reduced rates:

  • Option 1: 12 month
  • Option 2: Bi-monthly (every other month or 6 ads placed in months of your choice)


Payment may be made by check, international money order (payable to Genii), Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover or PayPal ( For credit card, include full name, address, card number, expiration date, and telephone number. All payments must be in U.S. funds. If you prefer to be billed, we will send you an invoice when the issue is printed.

Contact Information

Peggy Donmoyer

Advertising and Office Manager

Elizabeth Kaufman

Art Director (Technical Information)