Genii is where you get results

We feel that Genii—now in its 86th year of publication—is the finest magazine in our field. And everyone agrees: it is the largest selling magic magazine. Since 1936, Genii has been the magazine every magician has looked to for the best feature articles, latest news, fantastic tricks, and finest reviews of the most recent tricks, DVDs, and books.

Advertising in Genii is a huge bargain because you reach the customers you want

Your ads appear in our paper magazine, mailed directly to thousands of subscribers around the world.

Your ads appear in our digital magazine at no extra cost to you. Genii’s digital magazine is free for all subscribers. Genii gives digital access FREE to every subscriber across all platforms: iPad, desktop, laptop, smartphone (including the iPhone), and any tablet—all are FREE. All multimedia, including videos included in your advertisements, downloads with the digital issue onto the readers’ device.

Genii has thousands more digital readers than any other independent magazine.

Your ads in our digital edition are hot-linked directly to you: all the reader has to do while reading your ad in Genii is to tap the screen and be instantly transported to your website or video.

Contract Advertisers who reserve a quarter page ad or larger for 1 year receive a complimentary subscription to Genii.

Ad Rates and Downloads

Ad Material Specs
Ad Rates
Advertising Order Form

Contract Advertising

Advertising Contracts

Option 1: 12 month contract advertising at discounted pricing equivalent to one free ad through the life of the contract period.

Option 2: Bi-monthly contract advertising at discounted pricing equivalent to half-off one ad through the life of the contract period.

The contract applies for the same size ad for either contract. Advertisers may submit new content as they wish. Payment will be made monthly.

Ad copy and Artwork

Please refer to the Ad Specs for ad requirements. Ads must be submitted with completed Ad Spec Form.


Payment may be made by check, international money order (payable to Genii), Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover or PayPal ( For credit card, include full name, address, card number, expiration date, and telephone number. All payments must be in U.S. funds. If you prefer to be billed, we will send you an invoice and tear sheet when the issue is printed.


All materials should be emailed to
or to:
Genii Magazine
3440 Lehigh St. Suite 316

Allentown, PA 18103


To reserve your space in Genii, or if you have any questions, please contact:
Advertising Manager
Tel: 301-652-5800
Fax: 301-652-8035

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