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From Magicpedia, the free online encyclopedia for magicians by magicians.
Jump to navigation Jump to search, founded by Chris Wasshuber around 2000, is a publisher and internet based book store specializing in digital media (ebooks, video, audio) related to magic (tricks, mentalism, illusions), gambling (poker, blackjack), and games (bridge, chess). [1] has digitized large amounts of classic magic literature and in particular magic magazines including Genii[2], Magic Magazine[3], Sphinx[4], Jinx[5], Hugard's Magic Monthly[6], Club 71[7], Minotaur[8], Magic Menu[9], Tops[10], New Tops[11], Swami[12], Mantra[13], and many more. Through its acquisition of Martin Breese Publishing Ltd most of the important British magazines are also available in digital form including titles such as Magic Wand[14], Pentagram[15], New Pentagram[16], Pabular[17], Magigram[18], Gen[19], Spell-Binder[20], The Wizard[21], and others.

Books published include:
